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I’m Back!


Well I have had a bit of a break recently, lots has been happening and I just haven’t had time to blog. Good News! I am expecting baby number 2! Due in April we are very VERY excited. Molly doesn’t quite understand the concept of a baby in my tummy. In fact earlier this evening she lifted up hubby’s top and said ‘ahhh baby’ while patting his tummy. However she threw a bit of a tantrum when he tried to explain that there was no baby in his tummy but the baby was only in Mummy’s tummy. Who knows what she will think when baby is here!


Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat!!

I cannot wait! I have already taken Molly to ‘Space to Play’s Epic Toddler Xmas Party’ not sure i would call it ‘epic’ myself but molly had a lot of fun AND it had snowed that day so that got us in the mood. We have another toddler christmas party next week as well! Molly has seen Santa 3 times and not been bothered at all. We are looking forward to giving her her gifts and stocking on Christmas morning and will of course be going on a Christmas day stroll, I believe a trip to the pub will be in order, one drink and then home for a feast!

Then we are off to spend Mollys Birthday and New Years with the in-laws. Again I really can’t wait! I will be taking my baking kit down with me to make Mollys bday cake and possibly some other baked goods. Certainly want to make some scones (major cravings for fresh scones at the moment) and also perhaps some other light bites. Will of course update you when the time comes!

Molly will start a playgroup in the New Year. It will be one that I attend with her for the first term and then she will be flying solo! She will only be going for one morning a week at first and depending on household funds I will up that as and when I can. She is also starting a new group called Mama Sugar Shakes, the tag line is ‘Hey Mama’s get your little Sugars and Shake Shake Shake’, sounds awesome to me and will hopefully be another way for her to burn off some steam. We will also be moving her in to a big girls single bed to free up the cot, want her to settle in the bed for a few months before baby arrives.

And finally in the meantime…. we have started to potty train! Are we mental? She is showing all the signs of being ready to train and she knows the difference between wet and dry and tends to tell either myself or hubby if she has done a wee or poo. Fingers crossed it isn’t too stressful (although I am sure it will be). The playgroup she will be attending says that kids need to be dry or in pull-ups. Well at the moment I am not keen on the idea of sending her in in pull ups. I would rather she was in knickers or nappies. So can I have her dry by January???? It will be tough but who knows. I would rather introduce potty training now before we start playgroup rather than waiting until Jan and I think January is also the ideal time to move her into her big bed. I just hope its not too much change at once!! Tips on a postcard please xx

One Lovely Blog Award!


Check it out!! The lovely Rebecca from Home, Heart and Hook has nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award! Thank you Rebecca!! Please go check out her blog.

The Rules are:-

The Rules for accepting this Award is as follows:

1. Add the award to your blog.

2. Thank the blogger(s) who gave it to you.

3. Mention 7 random things about yourself.

4. List the rules.

5. Award up to 15 bloggers.

6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.

So here are 7 random things about myself:
1. I can touch my nose with my tongue.
2. I am Koumpounophbic, which is a fear of…. Buttons!!! argh! I can’t explain it, they give me the heebie-jeebies! I can deal with buttons on a shirt, or a pair of trousers but I really can’t handle buttons that are just there for fun, decoration, those spare buttons you get with a new top, random buttons found on the ground, I could go on but it is creeping me out just thinking about!
3. I am an April Fool, My birthday is the 1st April and I share it with the silver fox Philip Schofield!
4. I only learnt to crochet this year and I am hooked! Excuse the pun. I love how quickly something can be created by just one hook.
5. I can’t wait to complete my first large patchwork quilt, and hope to have it finished by the end of the year. I would love to have a home full of them, for beds, sofas, to curl up in!
6. I am a big fan of Horror and Thriller movies. Although sometimes I ruin them for myself by second guessing what will happen next and working out twists before they are revealed, in fact I must add I hate slasher films for their predictability.
7. I would love to go away for a crafting weekend, I can think of nothing more fun… except a week away in the sun with the family of course! 
And now for my nominations! In no particular order, please check them out they are all great blogs!

Day at the Beach!

Hey y’all! Had a bit of a blog holiday, whoops! It’s been over a month, I apologise!

Here are a few snaps from our day out at the beach with NannyNora. We spent the day at Hunstanton in Norfolk. I had never been before which is crazy cos its only a couple of hours drive…. mind you… I don’t drive so thank goodness Vikki took us!


Ooooh I do love the beach!!

Back in the Groove

Firstly let me just rave about the fish finger sandwich I just had. YUM! I vote everyone go and make them selves one right now, had mine with some lettuce and cucumber for extra crunch. Anyway back to my reason for posting, I have just come back from a run this evening, only 4miles and actually felt pretty crappy on the way round but am feeling pretty good now that I’m back home. Haven’t been for a run for about 3weeks now, been making a lot of excuses. I was away for a week, then was still relaxining for a week, then the rain……. and I had been so good before running 3 or 4 times a week! So have already scheduled my next run for saturday morning with my running buddy and am determined to get back in to good fitness, honestly I had to walk a few times, think I need to stretch a bit more next time.


Been doing a bit of gardening out the front recently as well, I borrowed some long armed garden shears from my mum and cut back a nasty thorny bush that was growing out of control outside the living room window. It has really opened up the rest of the from garden. It has inspired me to make the rest of the outside space in front of the flat a little nicer. The above photo was taken at my mums, how pretty! My plan is to grow some veg outside the bedroom window, I have a couple of tomato plants but I’m not sure what else to try and grow, any ideas? And then in front of the living room window I just want flowers, lots of pots of flowers, so come the autumn I’ll be planting lots of bulbs, I definitely want some daffodils, more hyacinth and tulips. next summer I want it to be very colourful and bright.


I have also started a new quilt from Nicki Trench’s ‘a passion for Quilting’. I am trying the Log cabin quilt which is made up of 30 blocks. I have plenty of strips of fabric cut, so my first task is to sew up all the blocks. Five down only 25 to go!


I have decided to use some of the same fabrics that I used for the raindrops and rainbows mini quilt from Chlöe Owens All Sewn Up that I made for Molly earlier in the year, along with fabric from a dress I made Molly and the awesome Whales fabric you can see in the picture above. I can’t wait for this quilt to be finished. I am hoping it will be finished in the next few months and doesn’t sit on the ‘to-do’ pile along with other projects started and left unfinished. Maybe I need to take part in some Work in Progress Wednesdays and Finished Fridays! Since today is Wednesday this can be my first WIP. Anybody else got projects waiting to be worked on?


I love this quilt so much! I was so proud when I finished it, and check out how cute it is in the cot! I love using it for Molly!



Wow the sun has been out! YAY!! And since the sun has been out I have been trying to do more with molly in the afternoons after her nap. There is a park on the housing estate down the road from us, and it is close enough for us to have a wander up there and be home in time for dinner. That extra hour and a bit of being out of the flat, running around the playground makes all the difference. It is so great to have her going to bed absolutely wiped. Especially since it is still day light when she goes to bed.

I have signed Molly up for swimming at the children’s centre on a 3 week course. Last week was our first session. It started at 4.30pm and i kid you not, all day it had been cold and grey and wet. And the pool (outdoor pool let me add!) was not very warm and it did in fact rain while we were in the pool. Needless to say Molly was not very happy about it. It was only her second time in a pool ever and she wasn’t very happy about the armbands or the cold. However fast forward to this week, and the sun has been out all day and it has been a balmy 28 degrees. We had a tiger tots (baby gym) session this morning which was held in a very warm humid hall, followed by lots of running around the garden. I managed to crochet a few granny squares while chilling in the garden as molly napped and I could not wait to get in that pool!! This week Molly was more than happy to be in the pool and she even let me let her go with her armbands on, and man that girl can float! It was great to see her so happy in the water!


Next week is our last session so maybe she will actually kick her legs and move around,… here’s hoping! Mind you the Childrens centre are holding three more FREE sessions over the summer, so we will be back! And because Jon has only seen Molly in the water the once we thought we might just go swimming this weekend as it is one of his few weekends off, double YAY!!! Also was tipped off to free swimming for under 5’s ran by SureStart at one of the nearby villages swimming pools once a week so will have to give that a go too. Do any of you use your local SureStart Childrens Centre or equivalent? I think they are great!!

Holiday Blues

I have been home for just over a week since our family trip to the Isle of Wight. OMG I love that place!! There were 9 of us altogether, my oldest sister Amy her fiancee and two kids Ruby and George, my older sister Hannah, younger sister Olivia, myself, Jon and Molly. We stayed in Shanklin at the Shanklin Villa Apartments which was just lovely, sea views, private patio terrace area AND a hot tub!


It was lovely being away with all of my sisters, we haven’t been away together since we were kids, and one of the most visited places we went to was indeed the Isle of WIght. By the way the above photo of us chilling in the hot tub…? well it was blimming cold and we only stayed in for 4mins or so, we eventually got the tub warming up properly later on in the week. We visited all the places we did as children, and although much of it has fallen in the sea Blackgang Chine was just as remembered it. I was zoo glad to have been able to share it with my husband and daughter.




The Monday before we ferried off to the Isle of Wight (geddit!), Jon and I took Molly to the Natural History Museum in London, and we managed to squeeze in a lovely walk round Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.


As I said we have been home for a week now, the sunshine has all but disappeared and we are slowly slipping back in our usual reality. No longer am I drying the washing outside on the line, but it is taking up space in my living room on a clothes horse. I have started work on a blanket for Molly, and I have a few other craft projects up my sleeve. More about those in my next post. But for now here is a sneak peak at Mollys blanket.


For now take care x


I have been loving the sunshine at the moment!

I brought a maxi skirt and maxi dress last week, to start making up my summer wardrobe but mainly so that I had a few pieces for my holiday to Majorca in October. I did NOT think I would be wearing them both this week!! We have been spending a lot of time in the garden, either at mine of my friend Izzy’s. Basically a lot of chilling out!

I have had quite a bit on my ‘to-do’ list recently. Last week I ran in the Wimpole Hoohaah 10k. It was a lovely route around the Wimpole Estate, I found it quite challenging. I lost my running buddy around a mile in, she was weaving around people and I just couldn’t get past. I had hoped to finish in under an hour but my chip time was 1hr 3mins. Which I am still proud of! And it was my first 10k race so now I have a time to beat in the future. I am still training for Royal Parks Half Marathon in October so will be carrying on running throughout the summer. I brought myself some running shorts at the weekend to keep me a little cooler rather than the thermal running tights I have been training in. I am going to go for a run this evening when the hubby gets back from work, I hope its not too hot out there!

As well as my running, I have a couple of crafting projects on the go at the moment.

These are the two halves of the Japanese Kusudama for Molly’s bedroom. It is a paper ball made from multiple origami shapes glued together.

I have been trying my best to make a few of these mini granny squares everyday. There are 422 needed for the springtime throw I want to make. I think I have 360 something to do!!

Enjoy the sun everyone!

What have you been up to?

ooops its been two weeks since I started the new blog with the promise not to leave it neglected. Nevermind, Molly and I have been very busy! We have:

:: Made and eaten a very yummy crunchy lemon drizzle cake ::

:: cruised around the garden centre ::

:: Planted some flowers ::

:: Been for a walk dressed as a dinosaur ::

:: and been on a successful trip to ikea for Molly’s first doll and doll bed ::

A blimming good few weeks! What have you been up to?

My good friend @vikki_butlin is coming round today for a ‘crafternoon’. I am planning on baking some lemon cupcakes and getting out the sewing machine. I also have some of my ‘1 a day’ photos to upload to Facebook later. Lots of catching up to do! But first, Molly and I are going to check out ‘Sunbeams’. I have had mixed reviews so we will see! Take care X

A new blog…

A new blog!

I have been wanting to regularly blog for a while now. I started a blog a few years ago but I didn’t really have an idea of what I wanted to blog about, no real subject, and it just turned into a waffling jumble that didn’t really get much attention. From myself or anyone else!

But time has passed, things have changed, and I have more of an idea of what I want to write about. I hope to blog about what I get up to (as a mother, wife, crafter) and look forward to hearing from like minded people. So please read on if this is something that you think you will enjoy.
